Tax consultancy

100 years Schomerus

Tax consulting – personal, holistic and creative.

We support you with ongoing tax advice as well as with special issues. The complexity and regulatory depth of tax law in Germany are enormous. They are further increased by constant changes. Every day, a company has to make decisions that may have tax consequences. International tax issues are also becoming increasingly complicated. We are well prepared for these challenges and are also internationally positioned due to our membership in the HLB network.

In the area of tax consulting, we prepare the current accounting as well as the annual financial statements for you and, of course, provide you with comprehensive support in fulfilling tax obligations. Furthermore, we develop tax-oriented structures for you, which we have carefully tailored to your needs. We also represent you in judicial and extrajudicial tax proceedings.

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Tax consulting and legal advice
Schomerus & Partner mbB
Steuerberater Rechtsanwälte
Hamburger Treuhand Gesellschaft
Schomerus & Partner mbB
Deichstrasse 1
20459 Hamburg